P: 877-544-2700 | F: 612-930-0930 | E: sales@utility-logic.com

vLoc3-Pro Receiver

The vLoc3-Pro utility locator introduces new innovative tools for locating buried utilities assuring damage prevention while gathering information for analysis. With two sets of screened 3D antennas signal distortion is easily detected and displayed on the bright full color display. Along with classic locate screens the vLoc3 series locators offer new locate perspective…

vLoc3-Pro in field

RTK-Pro Utility Locator with Survey-Grade GNSS

The vLoc3 RTK-Pro receiver is the first to add RTK GNSS accuracy to a utility locator. Using the RTK-Pro internal cellular module with 4G LTE capabilities, the operator has the ability to connect to NTRIP RTK (Real-Time Kinematic ) caster that provides RTCM 3 corrections. By utilizing these corrections, the operator can collect…

vLoc3 RTK in use

vLoc3-5000 Receiver

The vLoc3-5000 utility locator brings an innovative element of digital signal processing, position capturing and broadband frequency selection to buried utility locating. Data captured by the internal GPS or external GPS via Bluetooth can be downloaded for further analysis, use with GIS systems or google maps. Use the free VM-MAP smartphone application to..

vloc-3 5000 In Use

vLoc3-9800 Receiver

The vLoc3-9800’s patented Distance Sensitive Left/Right Guidance and audible tone guide you to the path of your buried utility. Current measurement and the compass line direction indicator confirm that you are on target. The versatile vLoc3-9800 receiver provides the correct frequencies needed for the telecom, power, CATV, gas, water, and sewer utilities. The user-configurable vLoc3-9800 series contains two passive locate modes, fault-find mode, and…

vLoc3-9800 in use

vLoc3-XLF Receiver

The vLoc3-XLF locator uses extra-low frequencies specific for long-line locating. The low frequencies used in the XLF are designed to travel further distances with less coupling onto adjacent lines and be less susceptible to distortion. A few applications ideal for low-frequency locating is long-haul fiber lines, metropolitan loop networks, and pipeline transmission lines….

vLoc3-XLF in use

vLoc3-ML Utility Locator

The vLoc3-ML with built-in transceiver is designed for contractors and utility companies to accurately detect and pinpoint major brands of buried passive electronic markers. The vLoc3-ML locator combines Vivax-Metrotech’s advanced line locating technology and electronic marker system (EMS) detection in a single instrument capable of detecting and measuring the depth of commercially available…

vLoc3 ML in use
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