P: 877-544-2700 | F: 612-930-0930 | E: sales@utility-logic.com
The vLoc3-XLF locator uses extra-low frequencies specific for long-line locating. The low frequencies used in the XLF are designed to travel further distances with less coupling onto adjacent lines and be less susceptible to distortion. A few applications ideal for low-frequency locating is long-haul fiber lines, metropolitan loop networks, and pipeline transmission lines. With two sets of screened 3D antennas, signal distortion is easily detected and displayed on the bright full-color display. Along with the classic locate screens, the vLoc3 series locators offer new locate perspective screens of:
  • The Vector Locate screen is used for fully automatic, non-walk over locating.
  • Transverse Graph shows both peak and null simultaneously, immediately showing signal distortion.
  • Plan View shows the relative orientation of the cable at any angle.
  • Sonde screen with guidance arrows leading to the sonde.
The highly user-configurable vLoc3 series contains eight passive locate modes, fault-find mode, and a range of configurable frequencies from 32Hz to 32.8kHz. Visual and mechanical vibration alerts can also be configured by the user providing warnings for shallow depth, overload, overhead cables, and excessive swinging. Plug-in-play options for the receiver include an optional Bluetooth module usable with external GPS devices and the vLoc3-MLA (marker locator adapter), which plugs into the accessory socket to locate buried markers.
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